Sunday, January 6, 2013

How To Become A True Canine Advocate

I originally created this blog because I love dogs...all dogs...your dogs...every body's dogs! My greatest desire would be for all dogs to be well taken care of, appreciated, and spoiled rotten with lots of love.  It breaks my heart to see so many of these precious creatures abused and neglected.  Just when you hear or read something and you think you've seen it all...something even more heinous arises from the evil minds of people to perpetrate on these blameless, sinless creatures from God.

I am glad to see more attention has been brought to the plight of our companion animals who so undeservedly fall into the hands of corrupted, cruel persons who do such awful and unimaginable things (in my mind anyway).  These people are bullies and cowards.  So much of the neglect I see and read about doesn't happen in a day or a's months and months, which in my mind equals an intentional act.  The visuals of abuse pictures across my Face Book news feed is difficult, if not near impossible for me to view.  I read a lot of it, because I know turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to it does not solve anything.  If I do not know, then I cannot do something about it.  And I want to do something to change it.

It is incomprehensible to me how we can consider ourselves humans when we are so inhumane to animals.  These sweet babies have done nothing...N-O-T-H-I-N-G!! to deserve this!  There is a tremendous problem out there, and it will not go away on its own.  To those of us animal advocates who truly care, this responsibility falls in our laps.  Since animals cannot speak themselves....we have to be their voice....if we aren't, they suffer needlessly in silence.  This simply cannot continue to go on! More needs to be done! So, you might ask, 'what can I do? I'm just one person...'  Well, anything done in a positive direction is matter how small, even from just one person.  Then you pass it along.  It's all about networking, probably the buzzword for the 21st Century.

As I mentioned, I have a lot that comes across my news feed on my Face Book page, I read...I share...I do what I can, and I don't even have to leave home to do it.  I 'like' pages of animal shelters and organizations (especially the 'No Kill' ones), I get their notifications.  I sign petitions to help all kinds of animals, I share dogs who need homes, I plead the cases to my friends and family of dogs who have been starved.  You can do this too.  Sure, it takes time and effort, but these babies are worth every bit of time.  You never know when something you 'share' or 'like' may save a life and bring a dog (or other animal) to safety.

It is certainly an overwhelming task before us...when the need is so great, and the workers so few, it seems nothing you do is enough.  But with more people working together, we can really make an impact.  I dream of the day when we become a 'No Kill World'.  These animals do not have to die!  This is so near and dear to my heart....and I know the souls of so many who are in this with me.
Perhaps you think you don't have time.  Well, I work full-time, write two different blogs, and take care of 9, yes NINE of my own dogs (and I home cook their meals), I own a home, have a yard to take care of.  I am currently taking a course on Canine Nutrition to become certified and also keep up on my C.E.C.'s (Continuing Education Credits) for my personal trainer certification...and yes, I even fit in working out....doggie walks, grooming (nails, teeth, bath) on all my I'm not too sympathetic about it being a time issue.  I don't make big money...all my dogs are well cared for with necessary shots, spay and neutering (when I get one that isn't), and lots of cleaning to keep my dogs in a healthy environment.  I hand-wash 18 dog dishes EVERY day!  Oh, I also volunteer in rescue, and am preparing to have a senior canine sanctuary in my home...which means more dogs to care for! So, review your priorities.

I have chosen to devote my life to the care and education of canines, it is that important to me.  You can either stand with me, or view me as some crazy person who prefers dogs over people.  Perhaps one day when people become more responsible pet parents and companion animals and other animals are no longer abused and neglected, I can rest...until then, I have a job to that is voluntary and often thankless...but I do it anyway...why? Because I am a true canine advocate! I work tirelessly, and I understand not everybody can or is able to do this....bottom line, do what you can, when you can. I hope you will seriously consider this, because it's going to 'take a village' to coin a phrase. <3

1 comment:

  1. A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.
