Monday, September 11, 2017

Chaplin Doggie Diner Exclusive: Cream of Rice Cereal Recipes

Most pet parents are aware of the benefit of feeding boiled skinless, boneless chicken breast and rice to dogs with upset stomach. Perhaps though, fixing cream of rice cereal hasn't crossed your mind. It is so quick and easy to fix, and can be mixed with many other foods to add variety to your dog's diet.  Rice is easy to digest, and most tolerable, especially if your pup suffers from food allergies. My little ones love this stuff! It's definitely one of their favorites, and most of them tend to eat it first, even before the meat in their bowl!
I really get creative when preparing it, adding one, two and even three additional ingredients.  Just follow the cooking directions on the box, and consider mixing in the following (note: use organic whenever possible):
- Ripe banana (smash up with a fork)
- Apple (peel, remove core and peeling)...I use a grater to have small pieces
- Dash of cinnamon
- Butter and (local) raw honey
- Plain yogurt (whole milk, organic)
- Pumpkin (plain, canned variety)...especially beneficial if your dog has diarrhea or even constipation
If your dog has diabetes or is overweight, always watch how much carbohydrate is in their diet, consult your veterinarian.  I feed this to my dogs one to two times a week.  It's a nice way especially in cooler weather to give them something to warm up their belly!

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