Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Does It Really Matter What Kind of Water My Dog Drinks?

It may not seem like that big of a deal....water is water, right? No.  It does matter, at least that's my thinking, and maybe that makes it a personal preference.
Tap water contains a lot of unwanted chemicals that could affect a small dog.  I understand it is necessary stuff that the utility adds to the water to keep it 'clean' and drinkable.  Tap water can cause a white dogs face to discolor.  I quit giving it to my Maltese years ago after I read that.
A good water filter will take out the unwanted stuff and allow for a cleaner taste.  There have been times in my area when the utility was doing something to the water supply that caused it to have a chlorine smell and taste to it.  Ick!
There is also bottled water.  Purified water is a good choice.
Also make sure your dog's water is clean at home in it's dish.  Mine tend to get particles of who knows what in it sometimes before it's all gone.  I rinse out, dry and refill the dish with clean water.
Do not let your dog drink from puddles (you don't know what might be in the run-off) or from doggie parks where other dogs have drank from.  Consider this, you might not think twice about drinking after one of your close family members, like a spouse, but would you want to drink from a cup that a stranger drank from?  If it's a warm day, or you're walking a distance, or playing an extended time at the park, bring clean water for your dog.  There are water carriers you can buy at pet stores that will latch onto a belt loop for easy carrying.
Remember, we've domesticated these creatures, they're susceptible to things in our environment that they wouldn't be in the wild.  I consider if it's not good enough for me, it's not good enough for my dog either!

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