Sunday, September 23, 2012

Preparing To 'Fall' In that we're 'officially' into our first full day of retrospect, I wonder what happened to summer? The last 12 months have just been so unusual in the weather department, one can't help but think, 'what's gonna happen this fall and winter'?

There are many things pet parents need to keep in mind as the cooler days set in.  Fall is one of the worst times for allergies.  If your dog suffers from any kind of allergy, you need to stay on top of it in order to keep your dog from suffering needlessly.  Fish oil supplements are great to help ensure your best buddy's skin and coat are healthy.  Springtime, Inc. ( carries a great Omega 3-6-9 product.

Also, don't think that fleas retire come fall.  Flea eggs can hatch at 40 degrees (F) consider temperatures in your area.  The brewer's yeast and garlic supplement I use for my dogs (, I give almost year 'round.  Brewer's yeast is a great overall supplement that canines can benefit from all year.  My dogs are small, so they get one pill every other night.

If you haven't given your dog a bath lately, consider getting this accomplished on one of the warmer days.  Keeping dogs healthy means hygene is up-to-date....don't forget the toenails, brushing the coat, brushing the teeth and keeping around the eyes clean too!

It can become more of a challenge this time of year to have the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to feed your dog if you are serving up home cooked meals.  Farmer's markets are great places to shop for the seasonal foods.  Pumpkin is a great addition to your dog's diet, as is winter squash.  Apples of all varieties with some organic cinnamon and organic whole milk yogurt is a yummy breakfast treat (even for us humans!)

As the nighttime chill creeps in, don't forget to keep your dogs warm.  Small dogs like Maltese, Poodles, Bichon Frise and Chihuahua's don't have undercoats, which means they're going to get chilly quicker, even though their normal body temperature is 100-102 degrees (F).  A doggie t-shirt, sweatshirt and extra blanket can add comfort to overcome and endure temps in the 30's...we're already getting those in my area!

All it takes is a little pre-planning and preparation to ease into the fall months.  If you have something special you do with your canine companion(s), please share your comments. 

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