Saturday, April 21, 2012

Know What Your Dog Needs....
What is responsible pet ownership? It's more than you probably ever thought.  It's been a little over sixteen years since I began the journey....and those early days are a blur...what did I do? What didn't I know then that I know now?
I have learned so much over those years, most of it being in the last four years since I began volunteering in dog rescue.  I didn't know anything about what type of dog food to buy, what my dog's nutritional needs were or what they'd be ten years down the road.
I am writing this blog to share my experiences, research and personal study on canine nutrition, health, and disease.  The more I learn, the more I realize there is to learn, and I don't want to keep that to myself.  It must be shared so that more dogs can reap the benefits, and their owners can become educated to their furry companions needs...that's just one part of responsible pet ownership.
I am certified in human nutrition, and I have over twenty-five years of study and research in that area.  I have also recently become certified as a personal trainer, which has further enhanced my nutritional knowledge.
Read my article 'Canines In A Human Environment'.  It is a stepping stone to understanding what we expose our dogs to in 'our world' and why this is not beneficial to their health and well being.  I will be adding more articles dealing with many issues of nutrition, health and environment, as it can't possibly all fit into an article or two.
I hope you enjoy reading these and I appreciate your feedback.

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