Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hot Weather Reminder!

I don't know how the weather is where you live, but here in the midwest, we've been setting record high temperatures, and the last three days, the temps have been over 100 degrees! That's unusual for us.  The humidity just started creeping back in, which makes it even worse! It doesn't take long to get uncomfortable when outside just for a few minutes!
That's why I am posting this reminder.  Please to do NOT take your pets with you this time of year in the car if you are going in some place where they cannot go.  Do NOT leave them in the car, even with the window cracked, not even for just a few minutes! It's that critical.  The interior of a car can quickly reach over 120 degrees on a hot, humid day in a very short time.  A crack in the window isn't going to help.  We do not even have a breeze here today at our house. The only way dogs have of 'cooling' themselves to to pant (through their nose and mouth), or through the bottom of their paws.  The average body temperature of a dog is between 100 and 102 degrees.  So they will get hot faster than we even would in the heat.
The heat can make dogs sick, and once set in can even be lethal in a short amount of time.  Leave your dog at home when you do errands this summer....make sure they are in a climate controlled environment with plenty of fresh water to drink.  I would hope the last thing you'd want to do is to be responsible for the death of your pet due to your own carelessness.
If you happen to see a dog (or other pet, or even a child) in a hot 911...and if the situation is dire, don't hesitate to break a window to get in to rescue someone's pet.  Maybe that sounds radical or out of place, but to me, it's not.  It's considered pet neglect/abuse...and I will press charges against anyone who would do this to an innocent animal.
Bottom line...use's way too hot right now to leave a dog in a car.  Hot oven, hot car...same thing! Be a responsible and loving owner...or you might be living with some unpleasant consequences!

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