Saturday, May 26, 2012

Exceptions To ‘The Rules’


Happy, healthy dogs…everybody wants one…but not everybody has one or gets one.  There are so many issues that can arise…genetics, diet, environment…these all have an impact on our furry companions.  Generally speaking, my dogs do not have any serious health issues, and I feel very blessed.  We deal with an occasional bout of diarrhea…or one of them drinks too much water at one time that causes a non-serious ‘effect’…but on the whole…they’re pretty healthy…and I feel most people would agree about that in reference to their own dogs.
I am finding more in my research and study in regards to canine nutrition, there are ‘exceptions’.  That can be expected…so I want to make that clear in how I present my blogs, because I want every dog to benefit from what I post.  As I find these ‘except….’ situations, I will blog about them, so you will have the best information for those special circumstances.
Just as with people, what works for one person may not work for the next, is also true with dogs.  And dogs who have disease and illness may have different needs from those of a basically healthy dog.  Knowing how to handle this, what to do and how to adjust to best assist their needs can be paramount in quality of life and even add years to their lives, worthy years.
Foods that I would suggest you don’t feed your healthy dog…a dog suffering from a specific illness or disease issue might actually benefit from it.  It is possible.  In that case, I want you to know.  I want what is best for my dogs and for yours…and most likely, somewhere down the line that will differ.  I hope you will go back and re-read and review the blogs I have posted.  There is a lot of information, and you may find yourself in a situation that warrants a change…an article that didn’t pertain to you in the past, may now.
I hope you are finding these blogs to be helpful.  I welcome questions, comments and suggestions.  Please pass along the blog link to family and friends who have dogs so together we can reach as many dogs as possible!  I’m an ambitious individual…I want to help them all!


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